The History of the Internet

By Charles Liu
Home Networks That Led to the Internet Merging Networks The Digital Divide The Rise of the Global Internet The Internet Government Uses and Culture The Mobile Revolution
    Putting all the history into a list, we kinda get this:
  1. Precursers
  2. Development of wide area networking
  3. Inspiration
  4. Development of Packet Switching
  5. Networks that led to the Internet
  6. NPL network
  8. Merit network
  10. X.25 and public data networks
  11. UUCP and Usenet
  12. Merging the networks and creating the Internet
  13. TCP/IP
  14. From ARPANET to NSFNET
  15. Transition towards the Internet
  16. TCP/IP goes global
  17. CERN
  18. The early global digital divide emerges
  19. The Rise of the Internet
  20. World Wide Web and Introduction of of browsers
  21. Use in the wider society
  22. Web 2.0
  23. The mobile revolutuion
  24. Networking in outer space
  25. Internet Engineering Task Force
  26. The Internet Society
  27. Internet in Governance
  28. Politicization of the Internet
  29. Net Neutrality
  30. Use and culture
  31. Email and social media
  32. Search engines
  33. File sharing
  34. Mobile phones and the Internet

  35. Don't worry, I'll talk about everything later on, in a summary, not in an essay length wikipedia page sized monster.
Humankind has come a long way. we span across an entire 510 million kilometers squared of earth and water. But, we needed a reliable way to communicate over our vast landscape. It's kinda funny that the Internet started when the USA Defense Department needed a reliable communication in case of an attack. So, the Internet was invented.

And, later on, Along with memes
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Sources: 1, 2